Procurement Network

Our Procurement Network brings individuals from leading UK and global organisations together, to improve the accessibility of their procurement policies and processes.

About Procurement Network

The Procurement Network provides networking opportunities and industry experience to help organisations to create and deploy a more inclusive service.

The network enables businesses to:

  • Improve disability awareness of those who work in and support the supply chain of procurement related functions.
  • Define and share best practice for everyone.
  • Learn from each other on how to influence suppliers to deliver inclusive products and services.
  • Network with organisations and suppliers to improve their inclusive procurement strategy.

Our meetings operate using the â€˜Chatham House’ rule.

Our Networks and Taskforces are only open to Members and Partners. For dates of upcoming meetings visit our events calendar. Please note some meetings are invitation only.

Our meetings

Our meetings take place via video conferencing every 2-3 months.

They run for 90 minutes and can include: speakers relevant to procurement, speakers from within the group, as well as sharing of best practice.


Attendance is free to our Members and Partners.

Get in touch

For further information, and to learn about becoming a Procurement Network member please email Lucy Ruck, Taskforce Manager.

If your organisation is not a Member or Partner, find out about membership benefits or email David Goodchild.

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