Last updated: 11 September 2024
Accessibility training: A guide to available resources
Accessibility is about making information, products, and systems usable for disabled people and everyone. Whether writing emails, managing projects, designing products or buying-in tech, we all need to think about accessibility. There is plenty of training available but knowing which is right for you and your colleagues can be difficult.
Our Technology Taskforce has grouped courses and resources by level and job role to help you. Use this resource to find the training you need.
Where to find accessibility training
You can find the resource here: Accessibility training: A guide to available resources.
Resources are grouped into four levels:
Resources in ‘Getting started’ are applicable to everyone in your organisation – they cover the fundamentals of accessibility.
After ‘Getting started’, the next stage is ‘Learning more’. This helps you build on the foundations created in ‘Getting started’ and apply to more complex areas of work, such as project management, purchasing new technology solutions, and commissioning new software and hardware in your organisation.
In ‘Advanced’ you will see training about the technicalities of accessible technology. Resources in this section are aimed at developers, testers and designers.
The ‘Specialist’ section focuses on supporting assistive technology and integrating it within your core business systems. It will be especially relevant to professionals working in technical support and those who are responsible for implementing workplace adjustments.
How do I use this resource?
To help you understand your training needs and the resources available, our Technology Taskforce have pulled together links to a selection of free and paid for third-party and BDF resources. These include a variety of online and in person courses, as well as videos, blogs, and websites.
The linked resources and training contain a lot of information. Bookmark this page so you can work through the resources at your own pace and revisit them as many times as you wish.
Most of these resources are provided by external organisations and not by BDF. Their inclusion in this list is not an endorsement. Information in the resources and training may change over time. Check that you are using the most up to date version before relying upon it.
How can I find out more?
This resource was created by BDF’s Technology Taskforce. Please visit the Technology Taskforce section on BDF’s website to find out more or email Lucy Ruck.
If you require this content in a different format, contact
© This resource and the information contained therein are subject to copyright and remain the property of the Business Disability Forum. They are for reference only and must not be copied or distributed without prior permission.
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