About Evenbreak
Attract talented disabled candidates and be seen as an inclusive employer of choice through advertising all your vacancies on Evenbreak’s award-winning and accessible specialist job board
What does Evenbreak do for businesses and jobseekers?
If you’re already a Member or Partner of Business Disability Forum, you know the many, many business benefits of employing disabled people. Evenbreak can work with your organisation to reap those benefits.
Evenbreak is a social enterprise run by and for disabled people. Our lived experience of disability means we understand the disabling barriers our candidates face in the workplace, and also gives them confidence in us.
What does this mean for you as a business?
A dozen fantastic reasons to advertise all your vacancies on Evenbreak:
1. You’ll attract more talented disabled candidates. We know that the biggest barrier disabled candidates face when looking for work is not knowing which employers are truly open to their talent. Paying to advertise your roles on a board just for disabled candidates powerfully demonstrates your genuine commitment to inclusion.
2. You’ll be seen as an inclusive employer of choice. Seeing your logo on Evenbreak’s home page reassures candidates that disability is firmly on your diversity and inclusion agenda. You’ll be seen as a trailblazer in this area.
3. You’ll reach disabled candidates from all over the world. Currently, around half of our jobs are across the UK, and half in over 50 countries across the globe.
4. All of your vacancies are automatically posted on Evenbreak – you don’t have to post them manually.
5. Your logo will be on the home page, linking to your profile page and all live roles.
6. Your Account Manager will work with you to make sure you get the best possible value from your relationship with Evenbreak, including regular data on how your adverts are performing.
7. Your vacancies will also appear on other disability websites, on social media and in email newsletters to our candidates.
8. You’ll be promoted as an inclusive employer through a press release, blogs, success stories, videos, and social media.
9. We’ll help you share existing content and develop new content to demonstrate your credentials as a great employer.
10. You can appear on one of our ‘Meet the Employer’ events, where you can describe the range of roles available, what the recruitment process looks like, how candidates can request adjustments and so on, and candidates can ask you questions. We’ll be holding regular sector events for candidates too, which you can get involved with.
11. You’ll have an internal ‘launch event’ – confirming your commitment to disability inclusion to your people, and including a light-touch disability awareness session to bring people on board.
12. You’ll be able to attend a range of events – webinars, round tables and Evenbreak Explores – where you can learn from experts and share best practice with other inclusive employers.
All of this is included in one affordable annual fee, which is usually £9,000 + VAT. If you are a Member or Partner of BDF, you receive a 10% discount, bringing it down to £8,100 + VAT.”
Jane Hatton, Founder and CEO of Evenbreak
If you’d like to explore this further, contact Jane on janeh@evenbreak.co.uk for a no-obligation chat – she may even send you a couple of her books as well.

See what other employers say about Evenbreak, and also some words from candidates
We are proud Evenbreak is using our Work Placement resources:
We have a range of resources that complement what Evenbreak do in this area.
Please find out more about our guidance.
You also can contact Adrian Ward AdrianW@businessdisabilityforum.org.uk to learn about our Neurodiversity E-learning
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