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Technology Toolkit

Guidance on how technology can make your organisation more inclusive. Created by our Technology Taskforce, a group of senior IT accessibility individuals from leading UK and global organisations.

Last reviewed: May 2024

Business Disability Forum Technology Taskforce logo.

Technology can be a vital tool for disabled employees, customers, clients and service users – but only if it’s used in an inclusive way. Our Technology Toolkit, available for everyone, is full of practical advice and tips on how technology can improve disability inclusion in your organisation.

  • Need to create an inclusive technology strategy?
  • Not sure how best to integrate assistive tech?
  • Want to get technology procurement right?
  • Need to know the latest on accessibility standards?

Created by our Technology Taskforce, (a group of senior IT accessibility individuals from leading UK and global organisations), this Toolkit will be useful to organisations of all sizes, sectors and industries, and is also a helpful reference for organisations conducting our Accessibility Maturity Model self-assessment.

What’s included?

  • Inclusive technology strategy – How to create an inclusive technology strategy to make sure disabled people who interact with your business can thrive.
  • Assistive technology – How to integrate assistive technology tools within your organisation’s existing infrastructure.
  • Everyday technology – How commonly available technologies can be deployed and used within your organisation to improve disability inclusion.
  • Adjustments for employees and customers – The role of technology in providing adjustments or accommodations that empower your disabled employees and customers.
  • Technology procurement – How you can procure technology that will work for everyone, including disabled people.
  • Accessibility standards and testing – How your organisation can rely on standards and use accessibility testing to ensure your tech works for everyone.

View a contents list of the Technology Toolkit, or browse the resources below.

Want to assess how well your organisation has embedded accessibility in IT?

Access our free Accessibility Maturity Model (AMM) – a self-assessment tool which enables organisations to review current IT accessibility performance and support decisions about future focus areas. We’d encourage you to use the resources in the Technology Toolkit to support you.

Thank you

Business Disability Forum would like to thank the members of our Technology Taskforce for creating and reviewing the resources in this Toolkit and the Accessibility Maturity Model.

© This Toolkit and the information therein are subject to copyright and remain the property of the Business Disability Forum. They are for reference only and must not be copied or distributed without prior permission.

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