Your role in leading culture change

By Diane Lightfoot, CEO of Business Disability Forum


I was recently asked to write for CEO Strategy Magazine on being a leader.

I discussed the influential and unique role senior leaders can play in driving culture change around diversity and inclusion. I have summarised the 5 key areas I covered in the article below.

  • Talking about disability and diversity

“Normalising the conversation so it becomes business as usual, has a massive role to play in creating a culture of “psychological safety” in organisations; one in which employees feel safe to share a difference and to ask for the support they need.”

  • Sharing experiences

I also highlighted the importance of sharing your own story. “We see time and time again that CEOs or senior leaders who have a personal knowledge of and interest in disability issues – perhaps because of their own experience or that of a close family member – are champions in driving change.”

  • Being an ally

But you don’t have to have personal experience of disability to lead culture change within your organisation. Gain insight from people who do – your disability networks and your disabled colleagues and customers. As I mentioned in the article, “Too often we “don’t know what we don’t know” – but once we do, we can call it out.”

  • Modelling a different way of working

As leaders we may have quite a lot of say over how we work. Use this to create a positive culture around asking for adjustments.

“…if you share a different way of working with the wider team…it can be hugely powerful in making it ok for others to ask for the support they need.”

  • Equipping people managers

Finally, and most importantly, culture change must be evidenced through tangible action. “Make sure you equip people managers throughout your business with the tools and knowledge they need to have a conversation about disability, to identify any barriers people may be facing and to know where and how to get practical support.” We have a range of resources to help you.

Excerpts from the article have been reproduced here with the kind permission of B2eMedia. Read my article in full at CEO Strategy .

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