How the Government should engage with disabled people

How should DWP engage disabled people in changing how it works?

Last Modified: 23 June 2020

How should DWP involve disabled people in changing how it works?

Business Disability Forum is a not-for-profit membership organisation which exists to transform the life chances of disabled people. As a membership organisation working with over 300 businesses, we are uniquely equipped do this by bringing business leaders, disabled people, and Government together to understand what needs to change to improve the life opportunities and experiences of disabled people in employment, economic growth, and society more widely.

We provide practical, evidence-based, strategic solutions for businesses to recruit, retain, and provide inclusive products and services to disabled people. Our policy, research, and advice related functions are channels through which Business Disability Forum has access to the latest business insight on challenges, changing business structures and landscapes, and the types of practices that employers and service providers are currently developing and are most effective for removing barriers for people with disabilities and long-term conditions.

Although Business Disability Forum does not work directly in the area of social security and welfare payments, we have taken the opportunity to respond to this consultation about Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)’s engagement with stakeholders on a wider range of topics and policy areas.

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