Getting started

Fundamental accessibility training and resources for everyone.

Last updated: 8 January 2025

The learning in the ‘Getting started’ section is useful for everyone in your organisation. We all interact with disabled colleagues and customers, even if we are not aware of it. Making sure that the information we create is accessible to everyone means that no-one is left behind. The resources in this section will help you understand the fundamentals of accessibility.  

An example

Raj is a marketing officer responsible for creating marketing material and social media content. Raj completes the ‘Getting started’ training. He realises that he needs to re-think how he presents written text and the graphics and videos he shares on social media to makes sure they are accessible. This will help Raj reach as wide an audience as possible. 

Getting started: Resources and training 

The links below will take you to training and resources that are relevant for everyone. We have grouped them under five headings.

Once you have used the resources in the ‘Getting started’ section, you can use the related posts to navigate to ‘Learning more’.

Getting started: Online courses – free

Getting started: Online courses – paid

Getting started: Videos – free

Getting started: Websites – free

Getting started: BDF resources – free

If you require this content in a different format, contact

© This resource and the information contained therein are subject to copyright and remain the property of the Business Disability Forum. They are for reference only and must not be copied or distributed without prior permission.

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