Last updated: 31 October 2024
Government Digital Service’s Consultation on the Accessibility of Public Sector Websites and Apps
Business Disability Forum is a non-profit membership organisation which exists to improve business performance by increasing confidence, accessibility, productivity and profitability. We do this by bringing business leaders, disabled people, and Government together to understand what needs to change to increase the life chances for disabled people in employment, economic growth, and society in general in a way that also benefits business. We provide practical, evidence-based solutions for businesses to recruit, retain and provide inclusive products and services to disabled people. We also lead a Technology Taskforce, a network of specialist IT and assistive technology experts who work to develop and promote the use of inclusively design and accessible technology and websites.
During the process of responding to this consultation, we asked our Members, Partners and other stakeholders for their views. We carried out some research with twenty-three organisations based on GDS’ consultation questions. “Organisations” included private and public sector organisations, independent consultants, and SMEs. We have referred to those who took part as “respondents”.
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