It’s been a year of exciting growth for us here at Business Disability Forum.
122 organisations of all sizes, sectors and industries have joined us for advice and support with their disability smart journeys, taking us to nearly 500 Members and Partners – over half are global. Our membership survey earlier this year, provided some insight about why organisations join us:
“Business Disability Forum has helped transform how we think about disability inclusion and guided us on the right path for our global strategy.”
“Business Disability Forum provides us with the tools and confidence to support disability inclusion in our business.”
We now run 19 Networks and Taskforces providing opportunities to share experiences and best practice with peers. These cover a wide range of topics and disciplines including Global, Technology, Inclusive Communication and we also added a Procurement Network this year. 3,506 people attended 74 events including webinars, our annual and global conferences and Disability Smart Awards.
Our Knowledge Hub saw the addition of 4 new Toolkits and 110,000 resource downloads. We undertook 57 consultancy projects, received 154 pieces of media coverage and 71 mentions in the media. The work of The Forum, our policy think tank, was informed by insights from 104 of our Member and Partner organisations, representing 5 million employees.
What our Members and Partners say
Find out what Business Disability Forum membership offers or email Director – Membership, David Goodchild or call +44 (0)79-1712-1160, or email Head of Disability Partnerships, Adrian Ward or call +44-(0)78-6689-0936.