The 14 Toolkits in this collection contain practical how-to resources to support disability inclusion in your organisation.
Procurement Toolkit
Advice and guidance on how procurement processes and practices can deliver inclusive products and services.
Recruitment Toolkit
Everything you need to know to make your recruitment processes inclusive and accessible, from attraction to onboarding.
Disability Smart Toolkit
A collection of resources to help Members and Partners complete their Disability Smart Self- Assessment.
Getting Started Toolkit
An introduction to the key areas in your journey to becoming a disability-smart business.
Occupational Health Toolkit
What your organisation needs to know about Occupational Health, employment and disability.
People Manager Toolkit
Advice and guidance for people managers on creating and supporting Disability-Smart teams.
Mental Health Toolkit
Make sure your organisation is disability-smart around mental health.
Redundancy and Redeployment Toolkit
Make sure you’re being disability-smart when considering redundancy and redeployment.
Neurodiversity Toolkit
Neurodiversity-smart businesses are better businesses.
Technology Toolkit
Full of practical advice and tips on how technology can improve disability inclusion in your organisation.
SME Toolkit
Practical advice and guidance for all small and medium-sized businesses and start-ups on what being disability smart means. Funded by the City Bridge Trust.
Global Toolkit
Advice and guidance for global businesses, including adjustments, strategy and performance management.
Inclusive Communication Toolkit
Advice and guidance on making sure disabled customers and colleagues can access information you communicate.
Sight Loss Toolkit
Guidance for employers, healthcare professionals, businesses, people with sight loss and their friends and family. The Sight Loss Toolkit has been commissioned and funded by Roche.
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