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What do we mean when we say ‘flexible working’?

Talk to any number of employees about their work arrangements, and you will very often hear “We have flexible working here.” Many are often only talking about having the option to change one thing or another about their jobs – being able to work from home, for example. But flexible working can mean many different…

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What the Flexible Working Act means – and what it doesn’t

Two significant new acts have come into force for employers and employees in the UK. One is The Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023; the other is The Carer’s Leave Act 2023. We responded to the Government consultations on both pieces of legislation, drawing on the views of our Members and Partners. For this blog,…

Annual Conference 2023 session highlights: The circle of life – who cares?

Our recent Annual Conference: Back to the Future included the panel discussion “The circle of life: who cares?” with speakers Natalie Quilter, Eleni Katsoulis, Chantel Emery and Daniel Cadey talking about working carers. Read the highlights from the session by our Disability Business Partner Becky Elliott.  Watching our Annual Conference remotely, I was looking forward…

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