Disability Smart Management tools
Our Disability Smart Management Tools (available to Members and Partners) help you to understand how well your organisation is performing when it comes to disability inclusion.

If you want to find out how your organisation is doing on disability inclusion, then the Disability Smart Self Assessment is the place to start. Follow this with an in-depth Disability Smart Audit to help you measure and improve and use the Disability Smart Toolkit to support you through the process.
What is the Disability Smart Framework?
The Disability Smart Management tools are based on our Disability Smart Framework which measures how your organisation is doing across ten business areas that are common across all private and public sector organisations:
1. Leadership: You recognise the importance of disabled people to your business and the societies in which you operate. You promote your commitment to best practice internally and externally.
2.  Learning and development: You equip employees so that they understand your commitment to best practice and are confident interacting with disabled people, knowing what to do and how to do it.
3. Workplace adjustments: You anticipate the needs of disabled people and have a robust process for making any reasonable adjustments which might be needed by individuals.
4. Recruitment: You attract and recruit disabled people, with processes that enable you to access to the widest talent pool at every level.
5. Retention: You value all your employees, including those who are disabled or become disabled, and are committed to their retention and development.
6. Customers and service users: You value your disabled customers, clients and service users and address their needs when developing and delivering your products and services.
7. Procurement: You expect your suppliers and corporate partners to reflect your values and enable you to meet your commitment to best practice.
8. Communication: Your communication channels are accessible to disabled people, and whenever necessary you also make reasonable adjustments for individuals.
9. Built environment: Your built environment is accessible to people with disabilities, and whenever necessary you also make reasonable adjustments for individuals.
10. Technology: Your technology is accessible and usable by disabled people, and you also make reasonable adjustments for individuals.
Disability Smart Self-Assessment
Assess how your organisation is doing against ten business areas using the Disability Smart Self-Assessment tool.
Containing just over 130 questions, you can complete it in your own time and with input from colleagues. You don’t have to answer everything in one go, and the questions are reviewed and refreshed regularly to reflect changing working practices.
Disability Smart Audit
Measure and improve your performance on disability inclusion by requesting a Disability Smart Audit. This in-depth organisation-wide audit is carried out by one of our Senior Business Partners.
Disability Smart Toolkit
Our Disability Smart Toolkit contains a range of videos, factsheets, webpages and case studies to help you complete the self-assessment or audit.
Our Disability Smart Management tools are free to access for Members and Partners. Find out more about membership.
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