
We’re all going on a summer holiday (and allergies won’t stop us)

To coincide with the publication of our new food sensitivities factsheet for businesses, Business Disability Forum’s Project Manager Vicky Harker, shares her experience of travelling with a child with multiple food allergies. When my second baby was born, I thought I was prepared for the challenges of looking after a newborn and a three-year-old, but…

Intersectionality and disability: What monitoring will and won’t tell you about employees’ lives

Can people ever just be ‘one’ thing? For example, is a disabled person ever ‘just’ a disabled person? Are all a disabled person’s experiences only affected to being disabled, rather than any other aspect of that person like their age, gender, ethnicity, or beliefs? We set out to answer some of those questions in an…


Small actions that can make all the difference this Mental Health Awareness Week

Many employers might be looking at ways to improve their employees’ mental health and wellbeing for Mental Health Awareness Week this week (13-19 May). For those with responsibility for the mental health and wellbeing of employees, it might be tempting to view employee mental health as something that can be definitively improved or ‘fixed’. Especially…

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What do we mean when we say ‘flexible working’?

Talk to any number of employees about their work arrangements, and you will very often hear “We have flexible working here.” Many are often only talking about having the option to change one thing or another about their jobs – being able to work from home, for example. But flexible working can mean many different…

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What the Flexible Working Act means – and what it doesn’t

Two significant new acts have come into force for employers and employees in the UK. One is The Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023; the other is The Carer’s Leave Act 2023. We responded to the Government consultations on both pieces of legislation, drawing on the views of our Members and Partners. For this blog,…


New Changing the image of disability campaign research launches 

How might it feel to rarely see yourself represented in the images you see in the media, marketing and advertising?  Would you want to work for an organisation, buy products or access services from a business where you feel invisible, overlooked or misunderstood?   1 in 4 people in the UK have a disability, but in…


Is occupational health working for disabled employees or against them?

We’ve just had Occupational Health Awareness Week (18-24 September). This was, quite rightly, a time to stress the importance of employers having a good occupational health function in place. You might have seen some of our advice for employers released to mark the week. It comes back to a vital point: occupational health can play…


How do you use occupational health in the workplace? 6 occupational health-related considerations to discuss in your organisations now

This week is Occupational Health Awareness Week and to mark it, we want to support employers to start a discussion about their use of occupational health for their workforce. Back in June, we published The Great Big Workplace Adjustments Survey 2023, sponsored by Microlink, which included feedback from managers and employees with disabilities and long-term…


Pandemic: The Great Big Workplace Adjustments Interruption 

There is a great urban legend about the moment the BBC resumed normal television programming in 1946, after the Second World War. Just before picking up precisely where the channel had left off in 1939, the announcer said: “As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted…”  Is it just a legend? Sadly, yes….


Do disability passports really work?

In theory, the disability passport could be a major time-saver and problem-solver for many employees. Serving both to identify adjustments an employee might need and to record adjustments that have already been agreed, the disability passport should make it easier for employees with disabilities and long-term conditions to move into – and between – jobs….


For disabled students, graduation can present more barriers than opportunities

“I didn’t identify as disabled as such during university,” a graduate told us during The Great Big Workplace Adjustments Survey 2023, recalling the support and flexibility she had as a research student. “It’s only now in the workplace that I feel disabled.” This was an experience common to many disabled students reaching the end of…

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