Emergency Services and Law Enforcement (ELEN) Network
April 2 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

It shouldn’t have to happen to you for it to matter Â
Saima Ashraf MBE of Merseyside Police and Samantha Alexander of Bedfordshire Police will join us to discuss intersectionality, culture, internalised ableism, line management and more, from the perspective of their professional and personal lived experiences.
They will provide practical solutions to these issues for you to take back into your own workplace. After all, it shouldn’t have to happen to you for it to matter.Â
Although these perspectives are coming from a police background, they would also be very relevant to the other emergency services, and everyone will be able to take something away from this. Â
This session will include time for questions.
- Saima Ashraf MBE, Senior Auditor, Merseyside Police.
- Samantha Alexander, Cultural Intelligence Lead, Bedfordshire Police. Samantha is the Deputy Lead for National and International Women of Colour in Policing (WoCiP BCH), the Chair of BCH Deaf Awareness Group and also sits on the Disability Police Association Executive Committee. She is a member of the International Police Association and is the Secretary for Bedfordshire’s IPA Branch, which seeks to eliminate barriers.Â
Products and services Â
ELEN Network leads Courtney and Lucy will give you a refresher of the BDF resources available to you that will support you in your work.
This event will operate using the ‘Chatham House’ rule.
If you require this content in a different format, contact enquiries@businessdisabilityforum.org.uk.
April 2 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Online via Microsoft Teams.
Free – only members of the ELEN Network can attend.
Live captions provided.
To attend, make accessibility requests or ask questions.
About the ELEN Network
Our Emergency Services and Law Enforcement Network (ELEN) helps to bring together colleagues to share best practice and provide advice within emergency service and law enforcement on disability-related topics.