Disability Smart Awards 2024 and A to Z of disability launched

Disability Smart Awards 2024 are open for entries

Business Disability Forum (BDF) has opened nominations for its Disability Smart Awards 2024 (1 December) along with launching a new A to Z of disability resource with free information for all businesses.

Disability Smart Awards 2024: Open for nominations

The Disability Smart Awards 2024 are free to enter and open to UK and global organisations of any size in any sector.

Now in its tenth year and with growing numbers of application each year, these annual awards recognise organisations that are improving the life experiences of disabled employees and consumers by removing barriers to inclusion. The awards are a platform for sharing evidence and learnings from real life projects that have had a positive impact on disabled peoples’ lives.

There are 10 Disability Smart Awards this year. The categories are:

  • Disability Smart Diversity and Inclusion Professional
  • Disability Smart Leader Award
  • Disability Smart Technology Award
  • Disability Smart Inclusive Workplace Experience Award
  • Disability Smart Inclusive Recruitment Award
  • Disability Smart Inclusive Communication Campaign Award
  • Disability Smart Accessible Built Environment Award
  • Disability Smart Inclusive Customer Experience Award
  • Disability Smart Global Disability Inclusion Award
  • Disability Smart Inclusive Product Design Award

All organisations are encouraged to enter. Nominations close on 21 January 2024 and winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in April 2024.

A to Z of disability

Business Disability Forum has also launched its ‘A to Z of disability’ resource to provide vital information to help businesses gain a better understanding of disability and how it impacts on all our lives.

This online quick reference tool provides key information on over 100 disability-related topics with links to additional resources. Many of the resources are free to access. Topics covered include Access to Work, fluctuating conditions, occupational health and talking to people about their disability.

Diane Lightfoot, CEO of Business Disability Forum, said:

“There are still many misconceptions that exist around disability even though it is something that 1 in 4 people in the UK experience every day. We hope that by dispelling the myths we can show that disability is a normal part of life. We also want to challenge all businesses to think about the support they offer to their disabled customers and employees by sharing real-life examples of projects that have made a positive and tangible difference.”

Go to the A to Z of disability resource and the Disability Smart Awards page to find out more.

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