Section 3: Workplace Adjustments

Current Status
Not assigned

Welcome to the Disability Smart Self-Assessment

This management tool for Business Disability Forum membership is designed to help your organisation see how it is doing against ten key areas in your business. These are Leadership, Learning and Development, Workplace Adjustments, Recruitment, Retention, Customers and Service Users, Procurement, Communication, Built Environment, Technology.

About this section

You have been assigned the Workplace Adjustments section to complete. It contains thirteen questions designed to test whether you anticipate the needs of disabled people and have a robust process for making any reasonable adjustments which might be needed by individuals. â€¯â€¯â€¯ â€¯  

How to complete

  • You need to complete all the questions in one go and click finish at the end. If you want to take a look through all the questions first, just click the blue ‘Next’ button to move through and don’t click finish at the end.
  • When you have answered all the questions click ‘Finish’ and your score for this section will be calculated and automatically added to the overall score. If you select start again all your answers in this section will be erased.
  • When all ten sections are complete, the ‘superuser’ for your organisation can download the self-assessment report with final scores.

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