Consultancy Service

We offer a specialist, consultancy service tailored to your organisation’s needs.

The role of our Consultancy Service

We recognise that, from time to time, our Members and Partners might need specialist support to become disability-smart. Our consultancy work is uniquely tailored to your organisation’s needs and ambitions and takes a whole organisation approach to disability based on the principles of our world-leading Disability Smart Framework (previously Disability Standard).  

Our best-practice consultancy service is based on more than 25 years’ experience of working with a broad range of public and private sector organisations, meaning we are well-equipped to provide authoritative and practical results.  

Our team of specialists has unrivalled experience in the fields of disability, diversity and equality and a proven track record of delivering disability-smart solutions. 

Our approach

  • We adopt a best practice and experience-based methodology centred around the social model of disability. Experience shows that a best practice approach minimises legal risk while allowing a flexibility which is not restricted by varying jurisdictions.
  • We work with Members and Partners in a co-operative and supportive manner to build on what they have already achieved. For us, it is important that we transfer our knowledge and experience to our clients to help develop a self-sustaining approach for the future. 
  • All our advice and support is practical and realistic, and takes into account the organisation’s context and priorities. 

Disability-smart support projects

Recent projects have included providing support in the following areas:  

  • Adopting a ‘business as usual’ approach to managing disability.  
  • Identifying and removing barriers in all areas of employment such as recruitment, workplace adjustments and staff development. 
  • Research to understand organisational performance, employee and customer needs.  
  • Developing and maintaining a barrier-free customer journey.  
  • Training in ensuring great customer care and attracting disabled customers.  
  • Auditing websites and the built environment. 

This is only an illustrative list and, uniquely, we provide a one-stop shop solution to businesses in their journey to becoming a disability-smart organisation. 

Contact the Consultancy Service

You can contact the Consultancy Service by email to find out how we can help support your disability-smart journey.  

Needing to make positions redundant is always difficult. It can be made more challenging and complex for organisations when considering the issues related to disability, for example, ensuring the selection criteria do not discriminate against or disadvantage disabled employees, ensuring reasonable adjustments are understood and accommodated throughout the process and addressing challenges and appeals from affected disabled employees.

What do we offer?

We have developed a consultancy support package to ensure organisations successfully navigate these difficult issues.

The package includes support to:

  • agree the scope of the redundancy project and advise on the selection pool and criteria being used;
  • advise on the process of accommodating reasonable adjustments through the redundancy stages;
  • advise on how best to consult disabled employees (collectively and individually) who are working from home;
  • advise on adjustments to ensure that the whole process whether conducted in person or remotely is fully accessible;
  • advise on reasonable adjustments for redeployment and trial periods;
  • advise on specialist disability issues during the redundancy process.

How it works

Our HR and disability expert Clare Cromarty will provide guidance and support throughout the process through document reviews, online video calls, e-mail and by phone, starting with a scoping call.

The standard package is £2,500 for Members and £3,500 for non-Members. There’s room for flexibility in the content of the package, and full details and costs will be agreed as part of the set-up process.

More information

For more information or to discuss how to set up a redundancy support package for your organisation contact:

Rick Williams, Head of Consultancy,  +44 (0)7788 448 428 or Clare Cromarty, Senior Consultant,, +44 (0)7905 140 858

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