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IT accessibility funding

This resource has been produced to help organisations consider the different types of activity that need to be funded, and to identify and manage their budgets.

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Obtaining management buy-in

This page sets out some shared experience in how to obtain it building on the experience of members of the Technology Taskforce.

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Barclays – Diverse Personas

In 2015, Barclays consulted with accessibility experts and disabled people to create a range of personas, representing people with different disabilities.

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Accessibility testing

Accessibility testing is a critical part of your organisation’s roll-out of new software, along with upgrades and updates to existing software.

Young woman wearing protective face mask and hand controlling steering wheel in her car
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Unequal impact of Covid-19

Business Disability Forum is a not-for-profit membership organisation which exists to transform the life chances of disabled people.

A Deaf man speaks to his friend using sign language in a library
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Protecting human rights

Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR): Inquiry on human rights protections in international agreements.

Woman who is short in stature using a step stool in a library
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Workplace adjustment passports

WPA passports emerged in the 1990s when Business Disability Forum worked with the MS Society to produce a document for managers and employees to each have a record of agreed workplace adjustments support.

Two male colleagues work in quiet zone booth in office
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Disabled people in public appointments

Evidence for the Lord Holmes Review of the representation of disabled people in public appointments This paper shows the wide disparity between the number of public appointments of disabled people…

Woman with a mental health condition is emotionally supported by a colleague
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Disability and extreme poverty

Submission for the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights in the United Kingdom.