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Legal Ease Series

In this episode Bela and Catherine will be talking about the rights of disabled customers, clients, service users.

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Covid-19 Updates

Podcast updates about Covid-19 from Business Disability Forum experts.

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How to measure and report on accessibility

This resource addresses the challenge of turning accessibility from a cause championed by a few passionate enthusiasts into a mainstream concern within the organisation.

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Staff consultation methods

Employers need to understand the demographics and experiences of their workforce to enable them to perform at their best.

Two people's arms linking to aid physical support
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Supporting working carers

Business Disability Forum responded to the UK Government’s consultation on proposals to offer statutory carer’s leave to working carers.

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Having sensitive conversations

This resource provides guidance about spotting the signs, having sensitive conversations and maintaining boundaries and looking after your own mental health. 

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Managing behaviour and conduct

In rare situations, a person’s mental health can lead to unacceptable behaviours. What should managers do?

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Managing serious situations

Guidance on what managers should do when mental ill-health leads to a crisis or a serious situation.