Woman with dyslexia and other less-visible disabilities uses a highlighter while sitting at a desk in front of screens
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Customers with dyslexia

Given that up to one in 10 people have dyslexia (according to the British Dyslexia Association), you are very likely to meet customers with this condition.

Woman with a mental health condition uses a fidget toy at work
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Customers with mental health conditions

Given that one in six people experience a mental health condition each year, you are likely to come across many customers with a wide range of mental health needs.

Angela Matthews working in the BDF office at her desk
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Talking to disabled customers on the phone

We all have preferred ways that we like to communicate. For some people having a disability may affect the way that they communicate and may mean they have particular communication needs.

Recruitment Toolkit banner image.
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‘Offer an interview’ schemes

The ‘Offer an interview’ scheme is a commitment made by employers to offer interview to all disabled applicants who meet the essential criteria for an advertised job.

Woman with diabetes uses insulin pen at work. The woman also has has an auto-immune condition and vitiligo.
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Factsheet – Diabetes

Diabetes is the name for a group of diseases that cause a person to have high sugar levels in the blood.