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Remote working and workplace adjustments

Just because a disabled person is working at home doesn’t absolve their employer, or you as their manager, from your responsibility to ensure that they are working safely and with the adjustments they need to be effective

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Section 1: Inclusive communication and business

Introduction Welcome to the Inclusive Communication Toolkit.   Communication is a key part of everyone’s job, whether you are in a customer facing role or are communicating internally with colleagues.   In…

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Section 4: Making the small print accessible

How to make terms and conditions accessible Research from Deloitte suggests that around 90 per cent of people agree to terms and conditions without actually reading them, with many people put…

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Section 5: Case studies, blogs, videos and more

Communication Access Symbol – CAUK Communication Access UK (CAUK) is a partnership of disability charities and other organisations – including Business Disability Forum. CAUK has created the Communication Access Symbol….