Kindly hosted by NatWest Group.
How to drive business and economic growth by supporting disabled entrepreneurs
Partners only.
The UK Government, like many around the world, is emphasising the need for growth in the economy. At a time when businesses are absorbing the additional costs such as those announced in the UK’s 2024 budget, one way to help drive growth and prosperity is to support innovative entrepreneurs with new ideas and businesses. But do disabled entrepreneurs find it more difficult to get the investment and support that they need to get their businesses off the ground and flourish? How can large businesses who are committed to inclusion help disabled entrepreneurs to thrive?
Our speakers will be Victoria Jenkins, Founder and CEO of Unhidden and Co-Chair of the Lilac Review who, in partnership with Primark, has just launched her range of adaptive clothing for disabled people; and Mark Parsons, Head of Community Finance & Social Enterprise at NatWest Group who is leading on The Disability Finance Code for Entrepreneurship with the Government and other leading banks to increase access to finance for disabled-led businesses.
If you require this content in a different format, contact enquiries@businessdisabilityforum.org.uk.
May 22 | 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
In-person only.
Free – Partners only.
BSL and live captions provided on request.
If you are from a Partner organisation and would like to receive further information, please contact your Senior Business Partner.